Monday, March 15, 2010

Cast away from home

Sudan is one of the hard hit places where there are a lot of conflicts, people ruling over and also facing the civil war. The Dinka tribe is the most hard hit tribes of all in that area. They were forced to migrate from their tribe base, all the parents died and all the children had to make it on their own. After being forced to move out of their tribe they had to cross a river, thousands of children died by drowning, being caught by aligators or by being shot at from both sides. The lucky ones who survived lived in a refugee camp safe from the enemies till now. After a few years some of the Dinka boys chose to migrate to America, there were alot of stereo types, some of the boys thought that Heuston, Texas would be like heaven, the best place to live, others thought that by themselves they wouldn't be able to live, they needed their friends and family to be with them.

Peter who lives in Kansas faced racism from the people with lighter skin. They were judged by stereo types. Example: When Peter was working at Walmart he heard his boss say that he should work outside since all the Africans work outside in the hot sun. Another conflict Peter is facing is culture, he felt a bit left out when he was with the Church group, he sat all the way at the back, he didn't sing along with them, he had different values and he was unfamiliar with theirs.

2. Peter didn't go to some place where people from the Dinka Tribe or with similar beliefs could go and regularly prey and feel accepted again. Peter tried to adapt to being christian because all his friend were and he thought he would be more accepted by people. Peter realized that you can't just immediately become Christian, he needs to learn the values, beliefs which unfortunately no one is teaching him. He tried to go to Church with his friend and also went to a place where a Christian group would regroup and practice their values.

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