Thursday, October 8, 2009

Historical Knowledge 4 Task E

Leornado Da Vinci could be characterized as a true Renaissance man by being independent, hard working and determination. Independence is a huge trait for the Renaissance because if they weren't independent and didn't see for themselves they would have just relied on the ancient manuscripts which was mostly inaccurate. If Da Vinci didn't take a risk to use a different formula for making paint he would have sill remained average, nothing outstanding. Hard working is the way the Renaissance went with, if they work hard they will get good results, if they didn't put enough effort into their work it could have also been inaccurate. If Da Vinci didn't put enough work in his art he wouldn't have succeeded. Finally Determination, the Renaissance must have did tests over and over to make sure that their results are accurate. If some one was inventing something they should stick to their invention until it works. If Da Vinci hadn't been so hopeless he would have been an amazing man, in the exhibit I learned that Da Vinci wasn't always a successful and patient guy, he would only finish something if he had the time the patience or if he was being paid enough to do it. These are the traits that would characterize a Renaissance man.

By Leornado Da Vinci

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